Truro’s first-ever Pride march will take place Saturday, July 2 at 2 p.m. Join CUPE Nova Scotia and friends as we march down the streets of Truro in support of our LGBTTI members and community!
Several hundred people and more than 50 groups have already registered to march in the parade. Starting at the Truro Welcome Centre, the parade will go down Prince Street and finish at the green space next to the Truro Public Library. The march will be followed by a BBQ and celebration.
Come help us decorate our new CUPE Nova Scotia van and hand out Pride swag!
CUPE members and friends: please meet us at the Truro Welcome Centre located at 9 Commercial Street at 1 p.m.
CUPE is a proud advocate for LGBTTI rights. Our commitment is to fight against discrimination and hate in our workplaces and in our communities. Through the work of our National Pink Triangle Committee, CUPE Nova Scotia Human Rights Committee and coalition partners, we’ve helped make strides for LGBTTI people in Canada and internationally. We work every day to ensure our LGBTTI members can work in a discrimination and harassment-free environment.
#2016TruroPride #LoveWins